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Rafael Grande

Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Faculty of Economics and Business, office 2203. / Faculty of Social and Labour Studies, office 2.84.

Tel.: 951 952 715

Highest Degree Earned: Ph.D in Social Science (University of Salamanca, Spain).
Interests: International migration, labor market, stratification, fertility, life expectancy

ORCID 0000-0001-5108-1478

Rafael Grande is Ph.D in Social Science by University of Salamanca (2014), Master in Latin-American Studies with mention in International Economics (University of Salamanca) and B.A.Sociology (University of Salamanca). Currently, he´s a researcher and senior lecturer (tenure track) at the University of Málaga and he´s member of the research groups “Networks and Social Structures” (University of Málaga) and “Labor Market, Migrations, Health” (UIC-Castilla y León). He has been visiting researcher at the Centre for Demographic Studies (Barcelona, Spain), in the Office of Population Research at Princeton University (New Jersey, USA) and the Autonomous University of Chiapas (Mexico).

His research focuses on stratification in the labor market, demography and international migration, highlighting the study of labor and family integration of the immigrant population and the sends of remittances.  Rafael Grande has directed the national R&D project of the Spanish government: “Labor market and social assimilation integration of South-South and South North migrants. The case of Latin American and Caribbean “(Ref. CSO2014-57410-JIN). In addition, at current, he´s part of the national R&D research projects “Labor and reproduction trajectories among immigrant population during the crisis” and “Family challenges in the beginning of the XXI century. The impact of family individualization on culture, fertility and social welfare” and the Horizon 2020 European project “Quality of Jobs and Innovation Generated Employment Outcomes“. His papers have been published in high impact journals such as Population Research and Policy Review, Papeles de Población, Gaceta Sanitaria, RIS, REIS. etc. Since 2010 he´s editorial director of Encrucijadas journal.

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